Human Potential

Activating your human potential is built on what you believe to be true vs. FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real.

When you felt you could part the seas, leap tall buildings in a single bound, or turn grey skies to blue, what was it that made you feel that way? Life reveals who you are and where you are headed from the experiences you allow and attract into your life. Human potential empowers how you respond to challenges and how you complete your life's puzzle.

After years of promising yourself to change or do something whether for your career, a financial benchmark, enjoying a great relationship or enjoying a sense of fulfillment, the endless goal setting and lackluster results relegate many to giving up or forming a less than favorable attitude to achieving what they set out to accomplish. You can master your own destiny and navigate towards the destiny you chose.

Tweak your physical and emotional health, outlook, sense of self, career pursuit, personal relationships, finances, or desire for clarity in your life. Powermastery provides a springboard for you to excel, a connection with like minds, the strategies, encouragement to create tangible life strategies through hands-on immersion and bring a sense of adventure into your life.

For our outdoor experiential events such as local day hikes, walks, and cultural trips (nationwide and international). Most of our local trips are within 100 miles from NYC and are free to tag along with new friends (A Hike Through Life). Away trips have included Alaska, China, India, Canadian Rockies, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Acadia/Bar Harbor, Rangely Lakes, Mt Rainier/Mt St Helens, White Mountains of New Hampshire, Mt Tremblant, Quebec City, etc.

Register free for hikes, outdoor adventure, and cultural excursions:; website is


Powermastery is:

1) Adventure, physical, holistic, natural, and spiritual health, and engagement while connecting with nature and the outdoors (visit; and
2) Growth, empowerment, and results (especially those seeking to engage the next phase in life seeking what is coming at them, and what to do now to accelerate and take advantage of opportunities in the current environment).

Our Powermasterty events, workshops, retreats, meetings are built on an experiential foundation of no fluff, no lip service. Our current free subscription site is at: *Messaging currently undergoing some program updating and will be back in contact with our community soon.

Without direction you remain lost

We also have a Facebook Page is for recaps and other information:

Experience-based tools leverage human potential and breakthroughs. Our formula includes outdoor experiences while our cultural immersions and fun adventure outings help unlock your passion and tap into forgotten self; while our workshops, retreats, and events build habit forming and pattern interrupting metaphors to create the most positive change in your life.

Our programming is developed to help you step out of your comfort zone, build your emotional muscle, and self-confidence. *For corporate high touch event marketing to promote and introduce your services, products, brands, or destination visit:

Why watch life happen, when you can live it.

Powermastery may not be the solution for everyone, but because you can't win in the game of life unless you set your foot on the path to your human potential and try, you may be missing your ride. At least make an effort to understand and know for yourself what works and what doesn't instead of prejudging something without trying it, or believing others from their own references. The worst is it won't work, the best is you will be happier, more successful, healthier, and more grounded.

Natural Health & Wellness

Powerful Programming



Achieve results at the speed of life
       - Achieving Results -

Breakthrough With Carson – Radio Interview

You may be missing something if you're not at Powermastery events

The Buzz

Stephanie Giroux, President, Global Change Management Powermastery Empowerment Retreat

I want to recognize Carson's involvement in the holistic empowerment of people through experiential events, helping along the way; the business, professional, personal and spiritual aspects of their lives. 

I've traveled from Montreal-Canada to New York to attend his events each year since 2008 and have invited more than a dozen people. Carson makes a difference in our lives by unifying high quality like minded people and while providing us unique programs, moments & locations where we can literally breathe and experience new concepts.

Thank you, Carson, for your great involvement in the evolution of consciousness.
I can't wait to attend your next experiential event!

Margaret Irving, Owner, Energy Rocket Enterprises Powermastery Empowerment Workshop

I've had the honor and privilege of working directly with Carson and experienced the skill and high level of standard that he engages when executing an event. He pays attention to every detail, anticipating needs, communicating on a consistent basis, providing updates as needed, and ensuring needs were met.

Additionally, his skills go beyond what I have experienced, and I am looking forward to working with Carson in the future. Truly an amazing and outstanding professional, leader and visionary.

Robert Bangiola, General Manager Dance and Theater, Bard College Outdoor Adventure Trip

Robert Bangiola - Carson Tang is a professional event and outdoor adventure organizer, friend him if you want to know more about his events and hikes in the greater-greater New York area, and beyond! I will definitely be doing some of his other hikes in the New York area.

A shout out to this being a truly all-ages, all-levels, with hiking as its primary interest (no alter-mission).
I have very high standards for organized group activities, but I will definitely hike with him and the group again!